George Croner
See the many George Croner articles already published
Why Trump’s Stated Excuse for Taking Classified Documents Is Actually Deeply Incriminating - August, 2022
A reply in defense of the state secrets privilege - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - May, 2022
New Statistics Confirm the Continuing Decline in the Use of National Surveillance Authorities - Lawfare - May, 2022
The Assange case shows that a “public interest” defense to unauthorized disclosures of classified information is neither wise nor workable - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - April, 2022
A Flaw in the Attorney General’s Policy Against Seizing Reporters’ Records - Just Security - August, 2021
To Oversee or to Overrule: What is the Role of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Under FISA Section 702? - Lawfare - May, 2021
Conjuring a ‘First Amendment right of public access’ to FISC court decisions is dangerous for U.S. intelligence - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - May, 2021
The Biden administration should think twice about walking away from prosecuting Julian Assange - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - March, 2021
The Intelligence Community and Open-Source Information in the Digital Age - Analysis - February, 2021
How to Revitalize the Intelligence Community: A Long, But Essential To-Do List - Just Security - December, 2020
Ethics Groups Say Barr’s Use of DOJ Is Shredding Its Essential Independence - Just Security - October, 2020
Report on the Department of Justice and the Rule of Law Under the Tenure of Attorney General William Barr - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - October, 2020
Edward Snowden Deserves a Trial, Not a Pardon - Analysis - August, 2020
What Durham Is Investigating and Why It Poses a Danger to US Intelligence Analysis - Just Security - July, 2020
What the Russian Bounties Story Says About the National Security Process of the Trump Administration - Analysis - July, 2020
The FBI’s FISA Process Is Broken, But It Won’t Be Fixed by Legislative Manipulation of the FISA Statute - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania - May, 2020
A Response to “End the FISA”: Why It’s a Good Law and Sound Policy - Just Security - March, 2020
The “Reforming” Begins: An Analysis of Whether the Safeguarding Americans’ Private Records Act of 2020 Improves FISA - Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law at the University of Pennsylvania - March, 2020
Pumping the Brakes a Bit on FISA “Reform” - Just Security - January, 2020
What is the FISA Agenda as the New Decade Begins? - Analysis - January, 2020
The Horowitz Report: It Wasn’t a “Witch Hunt” But It Wasn’t Pretty - E-Notes - December, 2019
FISA Renewal Controversy: The Suddenly Very Conspicuous Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - E-Notes - November, 2019
A Peek Inside the ‘Puzzle Palace’ - The American Review of Books, Blogs, and Bull - September, 2019
A Nadir is Reached in the Politicization of U.S. Intelligence - E-Notes - August, 2019
The New Assange Indictment: Persecuting the Press or the Overdue Protection of National Security Secrets? - E-Notes - May, 2019
And The Beat Goes On: Congress Spars with Trump and Barr Over the Mueller Report - E-Notes - May, 2019
The Mueller Report is a Sobering Recounting of Foreign Election Interference and Presidential Conduct: What Comes Next Is (Mostly) Politics - E-Notes - April, 2019
Lowering the ‘Barr’: The Attorney General’s Disappointing and Disrespectful Dissing of the U.S. Intelligence Community - E-Notes - April, 2019
Who Gets Access? The Flap over White House Security Clearances - E-Notes - April, 2019
Collision Course: Navigating a Path for FISA between State Secrets and Individual Privacy, Part II - E-Notes - February, 2019
Collision Course: Navigating a Path for FISA between State Secrets and Individual Privacy, Part I - E-Notes - February, 2019
A New Year and a New Congress: The Post-Election Agenda for Foreign Intelligence Legislation - E-Notes - November, 2018
The Risk to American Intelligence Operations: Devin Nunes and the False Carter Page Narrative - E-Notes - September, 2018
Out“Foxed”: The Vulpine Network Keeps Swinging and Missing at the Carter Page FISA Applications - E-Notes - August, 2018
The FISA Court’s Essential Purpose - E-Notes - August, 2018
The Carter Page FISA Applications: Much Risk to FISA, Little New Insight, But a Rebuff to the Nunes Narrative - E-Notes - July, 2018
Fact and Denial: Trump’s Inexplicable Refutation of the U.S. Intelligence Community’s Conclusion of Russian Election Interference - E-Notes - July, 2018
Intelligence “Oversight” or Forbidden Intrusion: How Far Can Congress Go? - E-Notes - June, 2018
The 2017 FISA Reporting Season Has Ended: What Do the Numbers Mean? - E-Notes - May, 2018
Trump’s First Year Sees a Record Number of FISA “Denials”: But What Do Those Numbers Mean? - E-Notes - May, 2018
Why So Secret? The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and the Unique Fragility of Communications Intelligence - E-Notes - March, 2018
Where’s the Beef? The House Intelligence Committee Memo Provides Few Answers and Leaves Many Questions - E-Notes - February, 2018
A Response to “Americans, the NSA is Still Listening: Section 702 is Alive and Well” - E-Notes - January, 2018
Terrorists, America is Still Listening: Section 702 is Alive and Well - E-Notes - January, 2018
The FISA Section 702 Saga: With Section 702 on the Brink of Expiring, Where Do Things Go From Here? - E-Notes - January, 2018
The Gun Lap: FISA Renewal in the Homestretch - E-Notes - December, 2017
Congress Skirmishes Over FISA Section 702: Will It Preserve the Intelligence Community’s “Crown Jewel” or Neuter It? - E-Notes - November, 2017
What’s to be Found in the “USA Liberty Act Of 2017”? - E-Notes - October, 2017
The Debate Over Foreign Intelligence Legislation: George Croner responds to Lawrence Husick - E-Notes - October, 2017
The Clock is Ticking: Why Congress Needs to Renew America’s Most Important Intelligence Collection Program, Parts I – IV - E-Notes - September, 2017
The Clock is Ticking: Why Congress Needs to Renew America’s Most Important Intelligence Collection Program, Part IV - E-Notes - September, 2017
The Clock is Ticking: Why Congress Needs to Renew America’s Most Important Intelligence Collection Program, Part III - E-Notes - September, 2017
The Clock is Ticking: Why Congress Needs to Renew America’s Most Important Intelligence Collection Program, Part II - E-Notes - September, 2017
The Clock is Ticking: Why Congress Needs to Renew America’s Most Important Intelligence Collection Program, Part I - E-Notes - September, 2017